
Nature Conservation CSR Program: UTM and Kg Sg Timun Community

Saturday, June 2, 2022

This program brings together participants from various backgrounds, including Year 3 Bachelor Degree of Science in Geoinformatics students, UTM staff members, a representative from the Malaysian Nature Society (MNS), and members of the local community.

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Online Collaborative Program with Kg Sg Timun Community and UTM

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Saturday, 12 June 2021

9.30 - 11.30 am

Through Google Meet

Watch the Recorded Videos

Empowering Local Communities through Sustainable Management of Mangrove Forests for Economic Development


  • Developing a business framework for small-scale fishing communities to operate independently, utilizing sustainable mangrove forest resources.

  • Strengthening the economic prosperity of small-scale fishermen by generating additional sources of income.

  • Continuously monitoring project participants to ensure their self-reliance and capability in conducting business operations autonomously.


  • The government agency encounters difficulties in monitoring the progress of tree reforestation programs and obtaining a substantial and prompt supply of high-quality seedlings in the local area.

  • The community residing in the Mangrove Forest area predominantly consists of marginalized small-scale fishing households and falls within the B40 socioeconomic group.

  • It is imperative to extend assistance and support to this community to enhance their income opportunities and reduce their reliance on the resources of the Mangrove Forest for their daily sustenance.


  • By means of the Knowledge Transfer Program - Research Innovation Grant (UTM KTP-RIG).

  • The project execution is divided into four Sub-Projects.

Embark on a captivating journey through the enchanting realm of Mangrove Forests, while immersing yourself in the remarkable biodiversity of tree species, all made possible through the innovative Mangrove Forest Geotagging and Identification mobile application

Kampung Sungai Timun

An Eco-Tourism Destination


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Annual Activities

Sub-Project ONE

Empowering Community Knowledge and Awareness of Mangrove Forests and Economic Development

Sub-Project TWO

Knowledge Transfer and Sustainable Technology in Mangrove Forest Seedling Nursery

Empowering Local Communities through Sustainable Management of Mangrove Forests for Economic Development

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Sub-Project THREE

Strategic Development of Mangrove Forest Seedling Marketing for Economic Sustainability

Sub-Project FOUR

Mangrove Forest Tree Identification and Geotagging System

Immerse yourself in an interactive and engaging experience as you navigate the beautifully rendered map, revealing the precise locations of Mangrove Forest trees adorned with convenient QR code tags 

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Sub-Project ONE

Empowering Community Knowledge and Awareness of Mangrove Forests and Economic Development

Introduce the diverse species of Mangrove Forests in Malaysia and explore their multifaceted benefits. This engaging initiative aims to foster participants' enthusiasm and direct involvement in the seedling cultivation and seed conservation processes, which will be further implemented in Sub-Project TWO.

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Sub-Project TWO

Knowledge Transfer and Sustainable Technology in Mangrove Forest Seedling Nursery

Participants will be trained in the art of selecting superior-quality Mangrove Forest seeds, implementing effective seedling nursery construction techniques, and ensuring proper care for Mangrove Forest seedlings. Through this Sub-Project, the challenges of low-quality seeds and limited local seedling resources will be addressed, opening up possibilities for marketing improved seedlings in specific markets.

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Sub-Project THREE

Strategic Development of Mangrove Forest Seedling Marketing for Economic Sustainability

In order to overcome the challenge of low income among the local community, the knowledge of Business Management and Mangrove Forest Seedling Marketing Techniques will be imparted. The community will be equipped with marketing skills and suitable approaches to generate additional economic avenues. Moreover, they will be guided in establishing their own cooperative associations, ensuring efficient cost management and maximizing sales benefits for the participants.

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Sub-Project FOUR

Mangrove Forest Tree Identification and Geotagging System

In order to effectively monitor the reforestation program's success in mangrove tree seedling cultivation, this Sub-Project focuses on the transfer of knowledge and the implementation of advanced geotagging smartphone applications and an online database for Mangrove Forest Trees. Participants and relevant agencies will receive comprehensive training in utilizing these cutting-edge technologies. A dedicated website will be developed to showcase the distribution and precise locations of planted seedlings, each equipped with QR code tags. This platform will serve as a valuable tool for stakeholders to monitor the distribution, health, and real-time status of the planted Mangrove Forest seedlings.

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Would you like to become a Geotagging Volunteer?

Your participation in this meaningful endeavor is greatly valued

Geotagging Volunteers play a crucial role in assisting the community coordinator of Kampung Sungai Timun in conducting tasks related to planting Mangrove Forest seedlings, installing QR code tags, and inputting data into the Mangrove Forest Geotagging and Identification application. Additionally, periodic updates and data verification for these trees are essential.

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"Any Muslim who plants a tree and then a bird, a human, or an animal eats from it, it will be counted as charity for them, and no other person shall receive any reward except for the planter."

Hadith narrated by al-Bukhari (2320)

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